On Climate Displacement: The View from Dar

On Climate Displacement: The View from Dar

In the end what I am trying to say here are two things. First, climate change is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere – but often closer than you think. It is in your own backyard, but is also felt (albeit differently) on the other side of the globe. Its impacts may not always be what you think they are.

Algae-pocalypse: South Florida’s Rancid Algae Bloom – Why and How?

Algae-pocalypse: South Florida’s Rancid Algae Bloom – Why and How?

South Florida is famous for many things, beautiful beaches, lush coastlines, palm trees, Caribbean paradise – you name it. The front page of today’s New York Times may change that image. A huge and unsettling algae bloom has erupted in four South Florida counties, forcing the state to declare a State of Emergency. The image of a ‘Hulk’ green colored wave beckoning the soft sands is enough to make any person shriek in disgust. That image alone is likely to change how we view South Florida.