Arctic Oil Fight Is Over – Or Maybe Not?

Arctic Oil Fight Is Over – Or Maybe Not?

No issue has the eternal image of just what we have done and are doing to our planet like the Arctic. Arctic communities and an entire ecosystem are at risk. In the month of May, Arctic ice reached a new low, with the remaining 2016 summer months certain to hold new records on dwindling ice.  Where many see a travesty of environmental stewardship and an ecosystem lost – others see an opportunity.

India Makes 55+

India Makes 55+

Maybe it was the record hellacious temperature readings in Phalodi, India? Maybe it’s the fact that 256 districts in the world’s largest democracy are coming face to face with droughts? Maybe it was something President Obama said this during President Modi’s three-day visit? Or maybe, it’s the opportunity to be a part of something that hopes to deter dangerous climate change for future generations. For whatever reason or combination of reasons, President Modi of India has stated today that India is very likely to join the Paris Agreement this year. Not only is this good news for India, it’s great news for our planet and all her inhabitants.

Flirting With Disaster – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills

Flirting With Disaster – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills

The latest IPCC Report and the Paris Agreement both make it very clear; in order to fight climate change we need to turn off the fossil fuel spigot. Continuing to invest in and support fossil fuels is flirting with disaster. We already have the tools to combat climate change; deepwater drilling is not one of them.